American Audio MP3 Player Portable Audio Recorder User Manual |
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the American Audio® Pocket Record portable digital
audio recorder. This recorder is equipped with leading edge digital recording technology, excellent
sound quality and is easly operated, It is suitable for acoustic instruments, electric guitars, micro-
phones, keyboards, MP3 players, interviews, education, band rehearsal, ecological records…and
more. The Pocket Record comes with a one year limited warranty! Please read and understand this
manual completely before attempting to operate your new mixer. This booklet contains important
information concerning the proper and safe operation of your new mixer.
Customer Support:
American Audio® provides a toll free customer support line, to provide set up help and to answer any
question should you encounter problems during your initial set up or operation. You may also visit us
through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
(800) 322-6337
(323) 582-2941
Caution! There are no user serviceable parts inside this mixer. Do not attempt any repairs yourself,
doing so will void your manufactures warranty. In the unlikely event your mixer may require service,
please contact American Audio® customer support.
Do not discard the packing carton in the trash. Please recycle when ever possible.
• 9 Groups and 99 Recording Tracks
The Pocket Record provides 1-9 groups, numbered 1-9, and 99 recording tracks for each group,
for either the internal flash memory or SD card. You may select any blank track number you prefer
to record on before you record, or the Pocket Record will select a blank track for you automatically.
Whenever a track is recorded, the track number will be fixed and you will not able to change it even
if the previous track is deleted or added. There is no limit in recording time for each individual re-
cording track.
• Two Storage Folders
The Pocket Record provides two folders for storage files: in FOLDER 1, you can record music either
from the built-in microphone, from an external microphone, from an electric guitar and from Line-in
sources and play it back. In FOLDER 2, you can download MP3 music from your PC or MAC and
play it. The two flexible operation folders allow flexibility to organize your music for both your record-
ing and leisure time.
• Leading and Unique Sound Mixer Technology
The Pocket Record is equipped with built-in microphones, and two audio inputs. When you connect
audio inputs to record, the sound will automatically be mixed with the built-in microphone with a
balance level. Our leading and unique sound mixing technology is perfect for occasions with multiple
instruments playing, combinations with background music or for the creation of any creative music
made by you!
• Multiple Audio Inputs Selection
The Pocket Record is equipped with two Audio-in jacks for Left & Right channel recording. You can
select to plug in external microphone, electric guitar, or Line-in as recording sources, by changing
the switch position of the Audio-in selector. The multiple audio input selection adds more conve-
nience to your recording experience!
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Please read the following before you use the Pocket Record:
1. Please read this guide carefully before you use the device.
2. Please notice the position to put batteries inside the Pocket Record
3. Please use the DC power adaptor of USB type in correct 5V DC specification.
4. Please do not take apart or repair the Pocket Record by yourself. Please bring the Pocket Record
back to your retailer or to a local service vendor for repair and assistance.
5. In order to keep stable data transmission, please do not twist the USB cable when you plug it into
the computer.
6. The built-in LCD display is a fragile electronic part, please do not press on it heavily and do not
touch it with sharp objects. We suggest you use only special cloth to clean the LCD display.
Please make sure that the LCD display does not get exposed to water.
7. The SD card is a very precise electronic device, please use it according to the following notice:
Please do not remove the SD card from the recorder during data transmission. Do not bend,
strike, drop or take apart the SD card. Do not put the SD card in a place with high temperature,
high humidity or dust. Do not expose the SD card to static electricity. In addition:
- Please make sure the SD card you are using has been formatted (the format type of the Pocket
Record is FAT32).
- Please release the write protection switch of SD card before you record.
- The Pocket Record processes large amounts of data during recording and playback, as result,
we strongly suggest you to use high speed SD cards as extension memory only, to prevent
noise, data lost or any transmission problem.
We do not guarantee the function, operation or life of any SD card that is used in the device. We do
not also take any responsibility of indemnity for the damage of SD cards. Like any digitally stored
data, data shall be backed up regularly. In no event, we will be liable to any indirect incidental, spe-
cial or consequential damages to any person caused by, or for any lost profits, lost savings, loss of
use, loss revenues or lost data arising from or relating to this device.
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1. BUILT-IN mICROPhONe “L“ChaNNeL - A omni condenser microphone is installed into the de-
vice as the “L” (left) channel.
2. BUILT-IN mICROPhONe “R” ChaNNeL - A omni condenser microphone is installed into the
device as the “R” (right_ channel.
3. ReCORDINg INDICaTOR LeD - This LED will glow during recording.
4. BUILT-IN SPeakeR - A monitor speaker is installed, this speaker will not function when ear-
phones are plugged in.
5. BaTTeRy COveR - Open the cover and install two AA batteries into the battery compartment.
6. BaTTeRy SeLeCT SwITCh - When primary batteries (or Alkaline batteries) are installed, switch
to “1.5V”. When Ni-Mh rechargeable batteries are installed switch to “1.2V”.
9. aUDIO-IN “L” ChaNNeL - This allows audio input of Microphone (M), Guitar (G) or Line In (L). It
provides 1.5V power supply.
10. aUDIO-IN “R” ChaNNeL - This allows audio inputs of Microphone (M), Guitar (G) or Line In (L).
It provides 1.5V power supply.
11. aUDIO-IN SeLeCTOR - Use this selector switch to select one of three types of audio input
types, Microphone (M), Guitar (G) or Line In (L).
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12. BUILT-IN mICROPhONe SeNSITIvITy SeLeCTOR - Select the sensitivity level of the built-in
microphones, high (h) or Low (L), or switch off the built-in microphone (OFF).
13. key hOLD SwITCh ON / OFF - Put the switch to the “ON” position to put the key control on
hold (stop running), or put the switch in the “OFF” position to release the key control.
14. eaRPhONe jaCk (STeReO) - When an earphone is connected to this jack, the built-in speaker
will will not function.
15. LINe OUT PORT - Use this line out port to connect to amplifier.
16. SD CaRD SLOT - Load your SD card here.
17. USB SOCkeT / DC POweR IN - Use a USB cable to connect to a computer. You may also use
an USB type DC adaptor (DC 5V) to connect to a power outlet (power adaptor is not included).
ReCORD BUTTON - Press this button to start recording.
mODe/STOP BUTTON - Press this button to stop or cancel operations (recording, playback,
DeL/a-B LOOP BUTTON - Press this button during playback to indicate a loop starting point
(A), then press the button again to indicate the loop end point (B). The music will then play from A to
B again and again in a loop until you press the button again to stop.
meNU BUTTON - Press this button to enter the MENU, press the button again to leave the
POweR/PLay BUTTON - Press the button for 2 seconds to switch the recorder ON and
press the button for 2 seconds to switch it OFF. Press the button to start PLAYBACK; pressing the
button during playback to pause playback, push it again to continue playback.
LeFT/PRevIOUS TRaCk/RewIND BUTTON - Press this button once to select the previous
track; hold down the button to change the track number quickly. hold down the key during playback
to rewind, release the button to stop rewinding and go back to normal playback.
RIghT/NexT TRaCk/FaST FORwaRD BUTTON - Press this button once to select the next
track; hold down the button to change the track number quickly. hold down the key during playback
to fast forward, release the button to stop fast forward and go back to normal playback.
vOL. UP/ UP SeLeCTOR BUTTON - Press this button during playback to increase the vol-
ume level. Press this button to scroll up for item selection when in MENU mode.
vOL. DOwN/ DOwN SeLeCTOR BUTTON - Press this button while playing to decrease the
volume level. Press the button to scroll down for item selection in MENU mode.
The MODE button provides additional functions. To acess a MODE function, press the MODE but-
ton (the LCD will show MODE) and then press the desired function button immediately to operate the
MODE function. here is a description of the mode functions:
memORy SeLeCTION - Use this function to select the internal flash memory or the
SD card memory as your record target and playback source.
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This function will delete your desired tracks
With this funtion you can select between Folder 1 or Folder 2
Group number: decrease the selection function
Group number: increase the selection function
1. Open the battery cover and install two new AA batteries into the Pocket Record.
2. The Pocket Record works on both primary batteries (and Alkaline batteries) and Ni-Mh recharge-
able batteries. To use primary batteries, put the battery selector switch to the “1.5V” position; to use
Ni-Mh rechargeable batteries, select the “1.2V” position of the battery selector switch.
3. hold the POWER/PLAY button for two seconds, the device will switch ON and enter the operating
mode. To switch OFF the recorder hold the POWER/PLAY button again for two seconds.
4. The recorder will switch OFF automatically after 5 minutes if there is no activity.
5. The low battery icon on the LCD will glow when the batteries are at low power level, you should
change the batteries at this point.
Press the MENU button, and the LCD will show all of the main items of the MENU setup. Press either
the LEFT or RIGhT buttons to move to the previous or next main items. Press the UP SELECTOR or
DOWN SELECTOR buttons to interchange to the secondary items. Press the MENU button again to
leave MENU mode.
1. ReCORDINg FORmaT - There are two formats available for recording, WAV and MP3.
2. SamPLe RaTe - For WAV format, there are 6 sample rates to select: 8Khz, 11Khz, 16Khz,
22Khz, 32Khz, and 44Khz. For MP3 format, there is only one sample rate: 44Khz
3. ReP(RePeaT) - There are two repeat functions: REPEAT (the track will only be repeated) or REP
All (the device will repeat all the tracks). The LCD will not show any icons if you do not select a RE-
PEAT function.
4. BL(BaCkLIghT TIme) - There are four backlight time for selections: ON (backlight always on);
10s (backlight turns off after 10 secs if there is no button activity); 20s (backlight turns off after 20
sec if there is no button activity); OFF (no backlight at all).
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1. You can ONLY record to FOLDER 1. To change to FOLDER 1 press the MODE/STOP button, and
then the MENU button. The LCD will display FOLDER 1 (1), when you are in FOLDER 1.
2. The device allows you to record into the internal flash memory or into an installed SD card mem-
ory (2). The Pocket Record will change to the SD card memory automatically when an SD card is
installed. To change between the internal flash memory “F” (2) and the SD card “C”, press the
MODE/STOP button and then press the RECORD button.
NOTe: when recording to an SD card, please be advised that there might be a 2-3 second
delay after you press the ReCORD button.
3. Select a group number from 1 to 9 (3) to record to. To select your desired group number press the
MODE/STOP button and then either the LEFT or RIGhT button to scroll to the number.
4. Press the LEFT or RIGhT buttons to select the track you want to record to. The track range is 1
- 99 (4). The track number you select to record to must be blank. Press the RECORD button to
record. You can also just press the RECORD button directly, and the device will select a blank
track that follows the last recorded track number (for example, if the last recorded track number
is 05, the automatically selected track number will be 06).
5. When you press the RECORD button the Recording indicator LED will glow and “ “ will be dis-
played in the LCD. The time clock will also start running (5). You can pause during recording by
pressing the POWER/PLAY button. The recording indicator LED will start to flash indicating that
you have paused the device. Press the POWER/PLAY button again to continue recording. When
you are done recording press the MODE/STOP button.
6. During recording the volume indicator (6) will be shown on the LCD. The input volume can be ad
justed by the Audio In Volume control (7 & 8). Do not set the volume to the highest level when
recording, otherwise, the recording sound quality will be distorted.
7. When you finish recording, the recording format and sample rate (7) of the track will show up on
the LCD.
8. For a longer recording time, put the KEY hOLD SWITCh (13) in the ON position. When you are
done switch to the KEY hOLD SWITCh to the OFF position to release the key control.
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1. The Pocket Record is equipped with two built-in microphones.You can adjust sensitivity level of
the built-in microphones using the built-in MICROPhONE SENSITIVITY SELECTOR (12). The high
sensitivity level of the built-in microphone is -45dB (at 1Khz), while the low sensitivity level is
-35dB (at 1KHz). You may also adjust the AUDIO IN VOLUME CONTROL (7 & 8) to make slight vol-
ume adjustment.
2. There are two Audio-in jacks for the Pocket Record a left and a right (9 & 10). They allow you to
plug two extension microphones into the jacks for recording. If you use an extension microphone
you must put the AUDIO IN SELECTOR switch (11) in the microphone “M” position. The two AU-
DIO-In jACKS (9 & 10) both provide DC 1.5V power. You may use either the built in microphones or
extension microphones as recording sources. When using extension microphones you may adjust
the AUDIO IN VOLUME CONTROL knobs (7 & 8) for a proper recording sound level.
3. The recording source of the built-in microphones and the extension microphones will be mixed
into two separate tracks (Left and Right channels) with a balanced level.
4. You can turn off the built-in microphones when recording using another source. Simply, switch the
1. The Pocket Record allows you to plug in an electric guitar as recording source. When using an
electric guitar you must put the AUDIO IN SELECTOR switch (11) in the Guitar “G” position. When
using an electric guitar you may adjust the AUDIO IN VOLUME CONTROL knobs (7 & 8) for a proper
recording sound level.
2. The Pocket Record allows you to plug in a line-in source such as a CD player, tape deck, radio,
etc as a recording source. When using a line in source you must put the AUDIO IN SELECTOR
switch (11) in the Line In “L” position. When using a line in source you may adjust the AUDIO IN
VOLUME CONTROL knobs (7 & 8) for a proper recording sound level.
3. The recording source of the built-in microphones and the electric guitar or line in recording source
will be mixed into two separate tracks (Left and Right channels) with a balanced level.
4. You can turn off the built-in microphones when recording using another source. Simply, switch the
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1. The Pocket Record’s built-in microphone is a omni-directional condenser microphone. The dia-
gram below shows the best sound recording area.
2. To get the best recording result, we suggest that you put the Pocket Record at a distance of
around 60cm from the sound source, at about table height.
3. Adjust the input volume to a proper level. Do not set the volume to the highest level when record-
ing, otherwise, the recording sound quality will be distorted.
4. In situations where multiple instruments are played simultaneously, the Pocket Record should be
positioned closest to instruments with lowest sound levels – or you can use extension microphones
for the different instruments.
5. If you want to record a speech (e.g. from a teacher) together with instruments playing, it is best,
and we suggest the speaker uses the extensional lapel microphone to get the best results.
6. For a better recording quality, the extensional lapel microphone could also be clipped to a score
stand or on the body of the speaker, depending on the situation.
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1. FOLDeR 1 or FOLDeR 2: FOLDER 1 stores and plays the files/tracks you have recorded with the
Pocket Record. FOLDER 2 stores and plays the files downloaded/transferred from a computer. To
change between the two folders, press the MODE/STOP button, and then the MENU button to inter-
change between FOLDER 1 and FOLDER 2 (1).
2. Playback from flash memory or SD card memory: Select the files you want to playback from
the internal flash memory or SD card memory (2). Please see page 8 for further explanation.
3. Select the group and track you want to playback: Press the MODE/STOP button and then
either the RIGhT or LEFT buttons to select a group number between 1-9 (3). Then select the track
to playback by pressing either the RIGhT or LEFT buttons to select a track between 1-99 (4). The
recording format and sample rate of the track you select will show in the LCD display (5).
4. Playback: Press the POWER/PLAY button to start to playback, the play icon will be displayed in
the LCD. You pause playback by pressing the POWER/PLAY button. The pause icon (7) will be dis-
played and flashing in the LCD. Press the POWER/PLAY button again to continue playback.
5. Forward and rewind during playback: hold down the REWIND button during playback to rewind
the playback. hold down the FAST FORWARD button to forward the playback. Release either of the
buttons to resume normal playback.
6. Repeat and Repeat all: Enter the MENU mode, and set up repeat mode. If you select REPEAT
only the track will be repeated, if you select REP All the device will repeat all the tracks. The LCD will
not show any icons if you do not select a REPEAT function. Please note that the REP All function will
only work when your in FOLDER 2. The LCD will show your repeat mode in the LCD display (6).
7. a-B loop: Press the DEL/A-B button during playback to mark the starting point for a loop (A
point), press the button again to mark the ending point for the loop (B point). The music will then play
from A to B in a continous loop until you press the DEL/A-B button again to stop the loop (8).
8. volume adjustment: You can adjust the volume level of the earphone piece or built-in speaker by
pressing either the VOLUME UP or VOLUME DOWn buttons during playback. The level adjustment
range is 00-20.
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You can delete your recorded files via computer or using Pocket Record itself. To delete the your
files using the Pocket Record, select the track you want to delete, press MODE/STOP button and
then press DEL/A-B button, the LCD will show “dEL”. Press the DEL/A-B again, and the Pocket Re-
cord will start to delete the track. When the track has been deleted the LCD will show “DELETE” and
the clock return to 00:00:00. This means the track is empty and you can now save a new recording.
The device can be connected to computer, to copy and store your recorded files onto your computer
(to backup your data), or download/transfer music from your computer to the Pocket Record.
Connect one end of the USB cord to the port of the Pocket Record and the other end of cord to
USB port on your computer.
Once connected to your computer, the computer will detect the Pocket Record as two removable
disks/hard drives (the first disk/hard drive represents the built-in flash memory; the second disk/hard
drive represents the SD card memory). In each disk/hard drive you will find folders for Groups 1–9.
The music you download from your computer to the Pocket Record will be stored in FOLDER 2, and
the track number will depend on the sequence in which the files are transferred. This means that
the track number in FOLDER 2 is not fixed and can be changed at any time if a track is deleted or
If you want the files to have a fixed track number, you can store the music in FOLDER 1. To do this,
you simply need to change the file names. Follow the instructions below to store files in FOLDER 1.
a) If you want to download files to FOLDER 1, and store them in the built in flash memory, with a
fixed track number, change the file name to M_InT_xx (xx is whatever track number you want it to
b) If you want to download files to FOLDER 1, and store them to a SD memory card, with a fixed
track number, change the file name to M_EXT_xx (xx is whatever track number you want it to be).
The same way you connect to a wall outlet to power your Pocket Record you can power the Pocket
Record off of a computer.
Once you have connected to the computer, press the MODE/STOP button once, the Pocket Record
will now enter the operating mode, and now you can operated the Pocke Record with the power of
the computer.
You can leave the operating mode by pressing the MODE/STOP button for 2 seconds.
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15.5(L) x 8.5(W) x 3(D) cm
200g (not include batteries)
Recording media:
Internal flash memory 128MB, SD memory card
(16MB - 2GB), SDhC memory card (4GB)
FAT 32
WAV(16bit), sample rate:8/11/16/22/32/44.1Khz;
MP3(128Kbps), sample rate: 44.1Khz.
SD card format type:
Recording format:
Playback format:
WAV: PCM WAV with sampling rate of 8Khz, 16Khz, 32Khz and 44.1Khz,
MP3: MPEG1,MPEG2,MPEG2.5Layer3,from 32K~320Kbps
S/N ratio at 1Khz:
Frequency response:
Built-in microphone:
20 – 20Khz
omni-directional condenser microphone type
Two 1/4” mono for selection of extension microphone, Line-in, and
Electric Guitar (plug-in power 1.5V)
Built-in stereo microphones(L & R).
1/8” stereo heanphone
1/8”stereo Line out
Built-in speaker:
USB interface:
Power requirements:
Battery life
0.2Watt, 8 Ohm
Mini-B type (USB 2.0 Full-Speed compatible)
AA battery x 2, or USB DC adaptor 5V (not included).
(Alkaline batteries):
5 hours for recording, or 6 hours for playback (by earphone)
Two lapel microphones, USB cable, two AA batteries, and a headphone.
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©American Audio®
American DJ® Group of Companies World headquarters:
6122 S. Eastern Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90040 USA
Tel: 323-582-2650 Fax: 323-582-2610
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