Refill Instructions -
Or d e r y o u r
Lexmark 10N0217 (No.17)
R e f i l l P ACKs a t :
w w w .r e f i l l 4.c o m
LexmarkAll in One X72 . X74 . X75 . X1130 . X1150 . X1180
. X225
Color Jetprinter Z13 . Z23 . Z25 . Z33 . Z34 . Z35 . Z515 .
Z601 . Z605 . Z615
Items Required
Original Lexmark 17 Cartridge, Syringe & FilliTnugbe
Black Ink 10ml
Bla c k
1. Assemble syringe and steel filling tube and fill with
appropriate colour ink(g. .2)
2. Remove the top from the black ink bottle and usin
the syringe remove 10ml of black in(gk.3)
3. The filler hole is located on top of the cartridge.
4. Insert the steel filling tube into the appropriate fill
holes. (g.5). Push down into centre of the sponge.
IMPORTANT: Cartridge contains a sponge and a
slight resistant may be felt.
5. SLOWLY Inject ink. When ink overflows from fillin
hole or starts to leak from print heads cartridge is fu
Stop injecting
Blot printer heads with tissue before continuing to f
next colou.r
IMPORTANT: Clean syringe with water and dry
before refilling next colo.ur
6. After refilling replace label back over filling hole.
7. Leave the cartridge to stand overnight on non-
absorbent surface this will ensure no
leakage and give the ink time to fully saturate the
8. Install cartridge and run a priming cycle.
PLEASE NOTE: The ink indicator level may need to
be turned off. Check your HPinstructions manual for
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